IT infrastructure and supplier audit

Get a comprehensive overview of the state of hardware and software in your company and save costs for ICT operations. We’ll make a custom IT infrastructure audit in accordance with your needs and requirements.

IT infrastructure audit consists of:

+ Introductory consultation where we get to know your needs

+ Mapping internal processes in your company in relation to hardware and software evidence

+ Using tools for continual information gathering about HW, SW and using workstations

+ Audit of suppliers and contractual arrangements related to IT

+ Proposal of a suitable solution to the identified deficiencies (hardware layout, licencing, e.g.)

Thanks to infrastructure audit you'll get

+ Overview of the current state of hardware, software and their usage

+ Opinion from independent experts

+ Solution proposal to eliminate deficiencies

+ Proposal for change of suppliers, competitive offers and solutions

+ Background for strategic planning

Recieve a comprehensive overview of the state of your IT infrastructure.
Let us know and arrange an audit today!