I want to have my IT infrastructure under control

Don’t risk losing business data and their misusage and let our experts make an IT security audit for you. We’ll check your security policy, external accesses, internal security, backup systém and other according to your situation and needs. Our field of expertise are also security audits and checks for suppliers of Disney, SONY, Marvel and security audits TPN, MPAA and ISO 27001.

Part of the audit is always not only problem identification but also a solution suggestion of identificated deficiencies, complex preparation for certification or direct certification.

Why does the security audit pay off:

+ You will find out the current security of your data

+ You will identificate weak spots and risk factors in security

+ You will receive an expert deficiency solution proposal

+ You will increase your credibility in front of business partners and customers

+ We'll be sure that you comply with legal obligations and standards

+ We'll ensure redress and together we will implement processes for the proper operation of the company and IT

Security audit focuses on:

+  Requirements and further TPN, MPAA or ISO 27001 certification

+ Overall hardware and software state

+ Firewall, server, station and wifi configuration

+ Mobile phone security

+ E-mail security

+ Implementation of current GDPR state

+ Remote access control

+ Hardware station and network monitoring

+ Data backup

+ Possibility of data restoration when lost

+ Security policies

Have your company data secure. Let us know and we'll take care of it.